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Effective Social Media Planning for Personal Trainers

Getting Started
January 13, 2023
tim saye

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As a busy personal trainer, creating a social media strategy can be a great way to reach new customers and promote your fitness products and services.

In this post, we’ll be looking at the steps every personal trainer needs to take to plan a high-impact social strategy for your personal trainer business in 2023, including setting measurable objectives and deciding on the correct platforms and content to focus on.

It could be that you’re looking to increase the awareness of your personal trainer brand, drive traffic to your landing page, and finally drive sales. An excellent social media strategy can help you achieve these goals. So let’s jump in and start planning a high-performance social strategy for 2023.

Define Your Goals

The first step in creating a social media strategy for your personal trainer business is to create a list of clearly designed goals. For example, you wouldn’t have a new client, but not ask them for a fitness goal; the same goes for your business.

When researching your goals, it is important to be specific about what you want to achieve and measurable. A SMART objective can help you with creating these. But let’s give you some examples of what we mean by this.

If you want more of your ideal clients to find your fitness business, you should set a specific goal. So in this example, your SMART objective will be to increase brand awareness by 30% in the next six months using Instagram. This will allow you to track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaign.

Other goals include driving traffic to your landing page, more Facebook followers, or more fitness product sign-ups. Each goal will need a different strategy and will require different metrics to define its success.

Identify Your Target Audience:

The next step is clearly identifying your target audience. Being able to identify who you are trying to speak to through social media is important to creating content that is relevant and engaging to them.

To get started, give tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to research and understand your target audience. You may also want to consider platforms such as SparkTorro to really understand the demographic and also content habits of your target audience.

Understanding your target audience will allow you to create relevant content and encourage them to interact with your personal trainer business.

Choose Your Platform

Now that you understand why and who you are targeting, the next task is to identify which social platforms you will create content on.

This will depend on the research you have undertaken and will also help if you understand the demographic makeup of each social channel. If you want to get a clearer understanding of each platform, check out our guides on how to set up your personal trainer business on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter

Create a Posting Schedule:

Your posting schedule will help you outline when and how often you will post to your target audience on your chosen social media platform.

Having a posting schedule will help with time management and ensure you consistently post at the best time for maximum reach and engagement. For example, according to CoSchedule, the  best time to post on Facebook is at 7 pm, 7 am, and 3:15 pm, while on Instagram this changes to 9:01 am, 7:59 pm, and 9 am. However, take this as a guide only. Learn when your audience is most engaged and post at this time.

Also, take note of the frequency of posts. Too much and you will become annoying, and too little and no one will see you. According to Hootsuite  the optimal frequency for posting  on Facebook is 1-2 times per day, while the optimal frequency for posting on Instagram is 1-2 times per day.

But as with everything, these are just a guideline. You may want to consider a social media posting tool that will analyze your social followers and tell you the best time to post.

Use Hashtags

In the fitness industry, hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing the visibility of your social posts. If you post on social media with no hashtags, only your followers will see the post. However, when including a hashtag, anyone on that platform searching for the hashtag will be able to see your post. This will make it easier for your customers to discover your content and allow you to connect with others interested in similar topics.

Additionally, when using hashtags, it is essential to choose ones that are relevant to your industry. So, for example, you may use hashtags like #Caloriecounting #Lifestyletransformation #Fatloss. Furthermore, you can use hashtags specific to your location, such as #NYC or #Chicargo.

Engage With Your Followers:

Active engagement with your followers is an excellent way of building relationships with your customers. It allows you to help, give tips, and even take advice from your community.

Taking a little time each day to engage and respond to comments and messages is a vital way to engage with your followers. By responding to comments and messages, you show your followers that you value their input and are interested in building a relationship with them. This can be time-consuming but worth it.

Creating a social media strategy is crucial in building a successful online presence for your personal trainer business. By defining your goals, identifying your target audience, and creating a content calendar and posting schedule, you can effectively reach and engage with your target audience through social media.

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