At this moment we seem to be improving something in our online personal training software almost every day. It's been a very busy period getting here but it's fun when we put all of these things in to the site!
In this blog I will show you the new and upgraded assessment tracking and charting..... It's way better than before!
Previously, you had to record the results of an assessment and then look back over past assessment record sheets to compare those results to past records. Even I have to admit that this was not the best system in the world!
This has all changed with one of our latest updates.
The video shows you exactly how you can record results and then display high quality charts and graphs to illustrate your clients progress.
The assessment record sheet will only contain the tests in your assessment, meaning you don't have to waste time scrolling through a number of tests to get to the ones you want.
To record results simply input the data in to the appropriate boxes.
Once all results are recorded you can press the little "chart" button and see all past assessment results together with your current results in one easy to read chart.
Any numerical results will instantly create graphs to give a great visual illustration of your clients progress.
So, as you can tell the recording of assessment results and ability to compare those results to past assessments has been hugely improved.
You can view and record results from inside the main website and your clients can do it from inside your website integration and/ or the main site.
Next up I will show you how we have improved the results tracking on your custom exercises. It's another big improvement!!