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Fitness Business Insights in 2024

January 11, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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In an era shaped by data-driven business decisions, personal trainers stand at the forefront of an evolving fitness landscape, seeking innovative strategies to engage and captivate their clientele.

Harnessing the power of research and statistics has become instrumental in shaping effective business strategies, especially in an environment where adaptation and agility are essential.

This article presents the top eight recent statistics and research findings meticulously curated to empower you to refine your fitness business strategies for 2024.

From understanding the changing dynamics in consumer behavior to deciphering the influence of fitness influencers on exercise intentions and exploring the pre-purchasing behaviors of diverse demographics, these insights offer a comprehensive lens through which you can recalibrate your approach.

This compilation aims to equip you with actionable information, enabling you to leverage these statistics as springboards for innovation, client acquisition, and sustained business growth.

As the fitness landscape continues to evolve, armed with these recent statistics and research insights, you can carve your niche, navigate challenges, and set sail toward a prosperous year in 2024.

#1. Online Fitness Market Report

Online Fitness Market Report

What does the data say?

The data projects the global online fitness classes market to reach a valuation of $30.1 billion by 2026, indicating a substantial growth in digital fitness solutions driven by increased internet accessibility, changing workout preferences, and the convenience offered by virtual fitness platforms.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

This data highlights a promising opportunity for you as a personal trainer. It signifies a growing demand for online fitness services, allowing you to expand beyond local boundaries and connect with a global audience seeking convenient workout solutions.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Consider establishing a solid online presence through partnerships with existing fitness platforms or by launching your personal trainer software, offering diverse services like personalized training and nutritional guidance.

Utilise targeted marketing to reach potential clients interested in virtual fitness. Embrace technology for interactive training experiences and leverage this trend to scale your business beyond geographical limitations.

This data underscores a massive opportunity for you as a personal trainer to tap into the burgeoning online fitness market, diversify your services, and expand your reach globally by embracing digital platforms and innovative strategies.

#2. State of the UK Fitness Industry Report 2023

State of the UK Fitness Industry Report 2023

What does the data say?

In 2023, the UK fitness industry experienced a 3.9% increase in members despite a 0.9% decrease in clubs, which resulted in an 11.5% surge in market value, marking the highest observed value.

While online fitness continues to gain traction, evidence suggests a rebound in in-person fitness services post-pandemic.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

For you as a personal trainer in the UK, this data indicates a resilient fitness industry where in-person services are bouncing back alongside the rise of online fitness.

This signals continued demand for personal trainers to offer in-person sessions despite the popularity of virtual workouts.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Recognise the coexistence of in-person and online fitness demands. Tailor your services to cater to clients seeking in-person training experiences while also considering integrating online offerings to broaden your reach.

Emphasize the unique benefits of in-person training, such as personalized attention and immediate feedback, to attract clients seeking physical interaction and hands-on guidance.

This data showcases a multifaceted landscape in the UK fitness industry, where personal trainers providing in-person services continue to be in demand alongside the growing online fitness trend.

Adapting your business strategies to accommodate in-person and online services can position you to meet the diverse needs of clients seeking varied fitness experiences.

#3. The 2023 IHRSA Global Report

The 2023 IHRSA Global Report

What does the data say?

The 2023 IHRSA Global Report reveals a consistent global trend, showcasing the health and fitness industry's resilience and the significant return of members to fitness facilities worldwide.

Some venues experienced up to a 25% increase in foot traffic compared to the previous year. This trend indicates a strong demand for in-person fitness services across various countries and regions worldwide.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

For personal trainers, this global data signifies a universal resurgence in the use of in-person training services. It suggests a worldwide increase in demand for personal training sessions within health clubs and studios, irrespective of geographic location.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Recognise the global nature of the trend towards in-person fitness services and capitalize on this by aligning business strategies to cater to the returning member base within health clubs and studios.

Leverage the opportunities presented by increased foot traffic in fitness facilities worldwide to showcase expertise, offer specialized training programs, and provide personalized services meeting diverse needs.

This 2023 IHRSA Global Report data underscores a consistent global health and fitness industry trend, indicating a strong demand for in-person fitness services across various countries and regions.

If you want to learn more about the results from Liz Clark, CEO and President of IHRSA, feel free to check out this interview:

#4. The decline in Connected Fitness Users by Insider Intelligence

The decline in Connected Fitness Users by Insider Intelligence

The term "connected fitness users" refers to individuals, typically adults aged 18 and older, who utilize various digital platforms and products (such as Peloton, Beachbody, iFit, etc.) for their fitness routines. These users engage in at-home workouts, guided exercises, or fitness programs offered through these connected fitness platforms using technology and often incorporating interactive or streamed content for their workouts.

What does the data say?The connected fitness industry, which experienced remarkable growth during the pandemic due to gym closures, is now facing a gradual decline. Insider Intelligence forecasts a decrease in total connected fitness users by 2.3% to 40.3 million in 2023, down from 41.2 million in the previous year.

  • Peloton is expected to lose approximately 900,000 adult users in the US, marking a 14.3% decline to reach 5.4 million users.
  • Beachbody anticipates the most substantial drop in US users, with a 37.7% decrease to 2.1 million adults, primarily due to its comparatively smaller user base.
  • iFit's user count will diminish by 8.1% to 4.8 million after experiencing peak growth in 2022.
  • Conversely, Nautilus, the smallest player in the industry, is projected to exhibit positive growth.

There will be some time before we have the actual data from 2023 to confirm that was the case. Still, the trend suggests people adapting their choices to personal preferences, technology advancements, and the changing landscape of the world economy.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

For personal trainers, this data suggests a shift in consumer behavior away from dedicated, connected fitness platforms like Peloton, Beachbody, and iFit.

Users are turning towards the health and fitness tools integrated into tech platforms they use daily, such as Apple, Google (including Fitbit), and Samsung.

Understanding this decline is crucial for trainers to adapt their services, potentially offering more personalized in-person training or leveraging these popular tech platforms to reach clients.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Acknowledge the shift in user preferences towards tech platforms like Apple, Google, and Samsung for fitness tracking. Consider leveraging these platforms by integrating your services or creating content compatible with these widely used tools.

For trainers invested in online fitness, explore ways to differentiate your offerings from these fitness platforms. Emphasise personalized training, interactive sessions, or unique workout experiences that stand out.

Leveraging popular tech platforms for fitness tracking and offering distinctive, personalized fitness experiences can help you navigate the evolving preferences of users away from dedicated, connected fitness platforms.

#5. The Most Common NYE Resolution for 2024 in the US is Fitness

Most Common NYE Resolution for 2024 in the US is Fitness

What does the data say?

The survey by Forbes Health/OnePoll of 1,000 U.S. adults highlighted that fitness has emerged as the most commonly-selected New Year's resolution for 2024 among respondents, marking a shift from the previous year's focus on mental health.

Key findings indicate that 62% of respondents feel pressured to set a New Year's resolution, with improving fitness identified as a top priority for 48% of people. This surpasses priorities such as improved finances (38%), mental health (36%), weight loss (34%), and improved diet (32%).

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

For personal trainers, this data suggests an increased emphasis on fitness goals among the general population for the upcoming year.

The surge in individuals prioritizing fitness resolutions presents an opportunity for trainers to align their services with this trend, catering to the growing demand for fitness-related guidance, programs, and personalized training sessions.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Recognise the heightened focus on fitness resolutions and tailor your services to meet this demand.

Offer specialized fitness programs, personalized training sessions, or group fitness classes that align with the goals of improving fitness for beginners and restarters and encourage accountability.

Leverage technology such as personal training or habit-tracking apps like PT Distinction to assist clients in staying accountable and motivated toward their fitness goals. Emphasize the positive long-term impacts of fitness resolutions to inspire commitment and retain clients beyond the initial stages of goal-setting

.Understanding that you have a short window to capture and engage new clients so they're hooked for sticking to their New Year resolutions longer than the predicted period will also need to be your focus in fitness service delivery and communications.

#6 Fitness App Industry Statistics

What does the data say?

Here are the highlights that are most relevant to personal trainers:

  1. The largest demographic of fitness app users falls within the 25 to 34 age bracket, comprising 41% of the total user base.
  2. More than half of users engaging with health and fitness apps incorporate a weight loss program into their fitness regimen.
  3. Projections suggest that the fitness app market is poised to reach a substantial value of $14.7 billion by 2026.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

  1. Understanding that the 25-34 age group represents a substantial portion of fitness app users can help personal trainers tailor their services, content, and engagement strategies to resonate better with this demographic.
  2. More than half of fitness app users are looking to lose weight. Personal trainers could effectively align their services to address weight loss needs, offering specialized guidance or programs.
  3. Recognising the booming market size forecast can prompt personal trainers to consider integrating technology or developing their fitness apps to expand their reach and services.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

  1. You can leverage this demographic insight by customizing marketing efforts, content creation, and engagement strategies on social media or through fitness apps to attract and retain clients aged 25-34.
  2. Developing weight loss-centric fitness programs or offering specialized guidance for weight management can align services with the prevalent fitness goals among app users.
  3. Recognising the forecasted market growth, you might explore collaborations with app developers or tech-oriented fitness platforms like ours, considering partnerships or creating their fitness apps to tap into this expanding market.

Understanding these trends enables you to fine-tune your approach, tailor services, and explore avenues for growth within the evolving landscape of fitness app usage.

#7. Research - The Impact of Fitness Influencers on a Social Media Platform on Exercise Intention during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Impact of Fitness Influencers on a Social Media Platform on Exercise Intention during the COVID-19 Pandemic

What does the data say?

The data emphasizes the pivotal role of fitness influencers on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It explores how viewers' perceptions of fitness influencers' attributes (social attractiveness, physical attractiveness, and task attractiveness) and content quality influence the development of parasocial relationships (PSRs) between influencers and viewers.

The study reveals that these attributes positively impact the PSRs, which, in turn, significantly contribute to viewers' exercise intentions (EI).

Additionally, content quality directly influences exercise intentions and acts as a mediator between PSRs and EI.

Results Fitness Influencers Impact on Exercise Intention

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

This data underscores personal trainers' ability to foster exercise intentions among their audience with their content marketing efforts.

Understanding the factors such as social attractiveness, physical appearance, and content quality that contribute to developing parasocial relationships can guide trainers in shaping their content and messaging.

By effectively aligning content quality and personal attributes, trainers can enhance engagement, build rapport with their audience, and inspire higher exercise intention among their prospects, leading to the acquisition of new leads and clients.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

You can leverage this data by refining your marketing strategy and messaging for your online audience.

This research suggests that you can establish stronger connections with your followers by presenting yourself as confident, authentic and approachable when interacting with them online, looking after your physical appearance even though you don't need to have a 6-pack, and publishing valuable content to your target market.

Crafting content that resonates emotionally and provides high-quality, engaging fitness-related information can aid in fostering meaningful relationships, thus potentially influencing exercise intentions.

This approach could enhance your online visibility, attract more clients, and build a loyal following, benefiting your business model and service offerings.

#8. June 2023 Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey - Decision points: Sharpening the pre-purchase consumer experience

Decision points: Sharpening the pre-purchase consumer experience

What does the data say?

The June 2023 Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey of 8,975 consumers across 25 countries and territories highlights the significance of engaging consumers earlier in their purchasing journey.

It emphasizes the importance of supporting potential clients in decision-making by providing essential tools, technology, information, and support.

The survey reveals that most consumers rely on search engines as their primary source for pre-purchase information across all generations. Additionally, most people have made direct purchases from brand websites, signaling a shift in buying behavior.

How is it relevant for personal trainers?

Understanding where potential clients seek information before purchasing is crucial for personal trainers aiming to market their services effectively. The data underscores the growing reliance on online platforms, particularly search engines, as a critical source of pre-purchase information.

Knowing that prospects often refer to search engines for research before buying fitness services implies that personal trainers must establish a robust online presence.

Optimizing content, ensuring visibility in search results, and having an informative website with customer reviews are imperative strategies for personal trainers to capture the attention of prospective clients in the pre-purchase phase.

How can you implement business strategies based on the data?

Based on this data, you can tailor your marketing strategies to target potential clients effectively. Investing in search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance online visibility and ranking in search results is crucial.

Creating informative content, leveraging customer testimonials or reviews on your, and utilizing social media platforms for engagement can significantly impact consumers' pre-purchase decisions. Additionally, direct-to-consumer (D2C) capabilities, such as offering services via your website or app, might attract consumers looking for streamlined purchase experiences.

Incorporating sustainable practices or emphasizing eco-friendly fitness solutions resonates well with clients willing to pay more for sustainably produced goods, thus aligning with their preferences and values.

How to Use Resent Statistics and Research Data to Create Your Personal Trainer Business Strategy for 2024

The insights gleaned from these eight recent statistics and research findings offer invaluable guidance for personal trainers crafting business strategies in 2024.

These findings shed light on crucial consumer behaviors and market trends, providing actionable knowledge to navigate the dynamic fitness landscape.

Equipped with these insights, you can focus on client-centric, technology-driven, and sustainability-oriented business models. Embracing technology, cultivating direct brand relationships, and expanding online presence will be pivotal in fostering client loyalty and business growth in 2024.

As the fitness industry evolves, these insights serve as foundational pillars, empowering you to adapt, innovate, and excel. By leveraging these findings, you can navigate complexities, seize opportunities, and steer your businesses toward success in the year ahead.

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