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6 Tips for Writing a Converting Personal Trainer Bio

September 7, 2023
tim saye

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Every person has a story to tell, and personal trainers are no different. Their stories could be captivating or a matter of fact. Whatever your bio may be, remember to craft your tale with effective marketing in mind.

A well-crafted bio gives potential clients and employers beneficial awareness on social media pages, websites, and blogs. Do you want to know the secret of writing your bio?

Well, this might come as a surprise, but the first thing you need to focus on is your customers and not you. Yes, that’s right; make your biography all about your clients. By doing this, you are showing your potential clients that you understand their needs.

Here are six tips for creating a professional personal trainer bio that interests clients:

1. Identify Your Audience

The first step towards creating your bio is defining who you are trying to reach. Identifying your targeted audience will aid you in styling the content in your bio towards a particular demographic. You need to ask yourself these questions:


  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What makes them tick?
  • What are they hoping to achieve?
  • Are they active?
  • How old are they?
  • Are they afraid of exercising?

2. Structure Your Bio

You need to choose your words carefully if you want to craft the perfect personal trainer bio. Start by introducing yourself to your potential clients.

In your introduction section, you can include your name, specialty, job, passion, and how you got started. Anything that may humanize your bio, be bold about using it.

If yours was a struggling journey to get to where you are now, you must tell your clients. It might help your prospects feel a connection with you, and your customers can get empowered to start their journey.

Remember to include your credentials, as this is vital to your bio. The certifications will boost your credibility and give your potential clients an understanding of your experience and abilities.

If you have more than one certification, be sure to indicate in your bio. You also get the perfect opportunity to let your potential customers know how best they can reach you and your availability.

Check out our list of the op personal trainer courses and certifications worldwide to help you find the value of your certificate.

Be sure to be clear and concise so as not to deter or confuse potential customers from enquiring.

3. Write Your Bio in the First Person

Make sure that it’s you who is writing if you want your clients to know you.

Clients want to feel that you’re approachable, so write your bio in the first person. Rather than write ‘he/she does,’ use ‘I do.’

You will have more success making a connection when writing as yourself, as writing a third person might seem distant.

4. Keep Your Bio Short

Nobody wants to hear all the pointless details. It is essential to note that a reader’s attention span is limited, so when you write a long bio without getting to the point, you might lose it.

Leave out unnecessary information that doesn’t contribute any value to your bio. Not to mention, you will do yourself a favor by not writing tons and tons of pages that won’t get read. These are the fundamentals to include in your bio:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Contact details
  • Your specialization related to your client's needs
  • Your qualifications
  • Your services
  • Link to any online appearance
  • Memberships

Please remember, you obviously can’t list them in bullet points like the above. You can use it as a checklist.

5. Don’t Make Your Clients Feel Stupid

Here is the deal: depending on your intended audience, the last thing that you want to do is use big words or technical terms.

You could put off your potential clients by using jargon and wordiness, making them feel they are talked down to.

After all, who in their right mind wants to spend time with a trainer who does not offer value and support? From the get-go, make your clients feel comfortable by using simple language, sharing a relatable tale, and avoiding jargon.

You want them to see you as a human being so that you can win them over. You can learn to mimic the communication they prefer, or it could be a fun voice. All in all, it all depends on who you are targeting.

6. Remember the Call to Action

By now, you will have wowed your clients, and they will be ready to take the next step.

Do not let them leave your bio without giving them a way to get in touch with you or make a booking.

Creating a single, particular call to action on your page is vital. It can be the following:

  • Book now
  • Book a consultation
  • A simple survey asking about your client’s needs (you could request them to leave their email address).
  • A free guide identifying your client’s pain point
  • A link to more information on your site

Time to Write Your Bio

The personal training industry is growing daily, and the global personal trainer fitness marketing is estimated to be valued at US$41.8 billion in 2023, and is projected to have a valuation of US$65.5 billion in 2033

Therefore, biographies should be taken seriously. Even though it’s usually an unappreciated page, a bio can make a strong first impression and a potential sale if done well.

You can also offer complimentary sessions for the first fifteen people to let your potential clients see you in action. It can be a perfect opportunity to close a sale when you interact with them.

To help with creating your first personal trainer bio, we have put together a guide on how to write a killer Instagram bio.

With the above tips, you will have an optimized personal trainer bio in no time. Of course, you can add all of this to your PT Distinction Mini Site anytime.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2018 by Lucas Cappel and has been updated to give you up-to-date information.

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