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5 Email Tips for Personal Trainers

November 3, 2022
tim saye

Personal Trainer Software

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In today’s multi-channel marketing world, busy personal trainers need to put their trust in marketing channels that bring in new clients and look after your current customers. Email marketing is a perfect mix of this, allowing you to get new personal trainer clients and use tactics to engage your existing members.

In this post, we will look at our five email tips for personal trainers, which will help you get set up and start your journey to getting more clients from email marketing.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

The list is endless, but as fitness business owners, your time is important. This means that when it comes to marketing, you need to use channels that can do multiple things. Here are some of our favorite benefits of email marketing for personal trainers:

- The return on investment (ROI) is one of the best.

- It helps you to improve customer retention.

- Drive sales with targeted emails to active customers looking for your services

- Allows you to promote new fitness products or services easily

- Regular communications will allow you to stay at the top of your customer's minds for future needs

#1. Use the right tools

Many trainers hesitate too long before jumping into email marketing, even though it's a pretty powerful channel for keeping your audience engaged without using social media platforms.

As a personal trainer, you would have already used a personal trainer software to save you time. Email marketing is no different. To save you time and take advantage of the power of email marketing, it is crucial to choose an email software that works for you.

Email marketing software is much more than just sending and tracking emails. Tools to increase your audience, segment your lists, and combine all your marketing channels turn the software into a powerful solution to grow your business and earn more revenue. Here are some of our favorite email features to look out for:

- Easy to build and customize campaigns

- Transparent reporting that helps optimize future email campaigns

- The ability to set up automation workflows (more on this later on in the post)

- Helpful and fast customer support

- Help pages

- Drag and drop templates to make it easy for you to create emails

- Lot’s of email templates to choose from

Check out our favourte email marketing software for personal trainers.

#2. Growing Your List

Having tactics to get new emails will allow you to have a constant stream of potential new customers.

Create lead magnets

Lead magnets are a great way of boosting your email lists. Offering something free in return for an email address will help you build your contacts. For example, you could offer PDF guides, ebooks, a free nutrition plan, or anything you feel will add value and persuade a potential customer to give you their email.

Display testimonials and social proof

People love a review, and adding testimonials and social proof of your customers who have found your email newsletters helpful will encourage any potential customer to give you their email.

Promote your list on social media

Make sure you show call-to-action buttons on all of your marketing channels. For example, add an email sign-up button on your Facebook page to attract your ideal customer to part with their email.

#3. Email Automation

As we mentioned previously, email automation is one of our favorite features in email software. Email automation allows you to email customers when they trigger an action instantly. This could be clicking on a link or completing a form.

Here are some of our favorite ways to use email automation for your personal trainer business:

- When a customer joins

- When a customer completes a form

- When a customer clicks on a link

- The anniversary of a date

- When a customer purchases one of your products

- When a customer leaves you.

#4.Decide the types of email you want to send

As soon as you have your email lists and choose your email software, you can now decide on which emails you want to send to your customers.

As a personal trainer, the types of emails you send will depend on what you want your customers to do. Do you wish to keep them engaged? Then a weekly newsletter will help. But if you're going to sell to them, you may want to change your message.

Weekly, or Monthly newsletter

A regular email's main aim is to educate potential customers and current customers about your fitness business.

Promotional Emails

Think of promotional emails as a landing page, presenting a single message and straightforward call to action that will allow the reader of the email to understand what you are offering and what you want them to do.

Transactional Email

These can often be simply a thank you for buying your product. Alternatively, you can use email automation to create a chain of emails that will help inform your new customer precisely what they can expect from your product or services.

#5.Test your email campaigns before sending

Check it one more time. Yes, you may want to hit the send button but make sure you test your email campaigns before you send them.

You will be surprised how easily spelling mistakes, wrong images, and display issues can sneak into your email. All good email software will have a preview tool where you can see what your email will look like in different inboxes, such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

Finally, it is always good to send a final preview to a friend or colleague who can have one final look and even open it up on a desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Keep on testing

Following these five email marketing tips will help you get set up with email software, allow you to get your first email list, and help you understand what types of content to use. But, as with everything in digital marketing, it is crucial to keep testing. Email is no different. Keep testing your subject lines, content, and call-to-action buttons to see what works best for your fitness business.

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