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Your Clients View of Habits

Software Demos
May 13, 2022
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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In this weeks Feature Spotlight we look habits in your clients app using PT Distinction.

The 2 minute video looks at habit coaching/ tracking, how clients tick off their habits, and how they check their habit adherence inside the app.

Transcript of Video

In this week's feature spotlight, I'd like to very quickly look at habits and how they look and how they work for your clients inside your app. In PT Distinction, habit tracking is generally done daily and will show to your clients on that day in their dashboard and in their schedule.

If you've put some coaching for your client regarding that habit on that particular day as well, then that will show alongside the habit tracking in the dashboard and in their schedule. If clients want to view their coaching, they can just press on it, view the document or the video or whatever you've put in for them, and when they finished, they tick it to let you know that they've done it.

For the tracking, a client will just click on it and press completed. If they've done it or skipped. If they haven't, those things will then be ticked and crossed out on your client's dashboard and in their schedule to let them know very clearly that they've done it.

If your client wants to see how well they're doing with their habit and what their stats are for that particular habit or any other habit, they can just go into their logbook by pressing logbook at the bottom, select habits and then select the habit that they want to see.

It will give them a timeline in their schedule of all their ticks and their misses, and then they can press on stats to see the overall numbers and the percentage of how well they're doing on that particular habit.

So it's very simple for clients to follow their habits, to see any of their coaching, and to tick it off and see how well they're doing on any of their habits inside the app, but very, very effective way of coaching and keeping clients on track to get amazing results.

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