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Feature Spotlight – Program Builder

Software Demos
January 20, 2022
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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The PT Distinction program builder makes building programs for online personal training clients very easy, it can also save you a huge amount of time. In this weeks feature spotlight we show how to -

- Build training programs with ease

- Make circuits, supersets etc..

- Add a custom exercise with video and results tracking in under 30 seconds

- Add sets, reps etc.. for every exercise in under 10 seconds

- Copy and paste a workout or a warm up

- Use and individualise templates for a full program, a single workout, or just a circuit

Check out the video below:

Transcript of Video

The second in our feature spotlight series brings us to the PT distinction program builder. It's a very, very simple program builder to be used, but it has some really cool time savers in it.

To start with, I'm going to go through the basics of how you make a program, and then after that, we're going to have a look at some really nice time savers that'll make program building really quick and easy for you.

To start with, we just come over to add, to add our program. You can either create a new or you can choose one of your templates. So that will be a template with as many workouts as you like in it.

For now, we'll just create a new one. To begin with, just name your program, and then you can come down and name your workout if you wish to, but you don't have to. It already has a name. Then, come down to the section. So you might want to give this a name, perhaps warmup, and then find your first exercise. So just type into the search to find your exercise.

click it when you find the one you want to add; you can then put in the sets, reps, etc. So go through that. Use the tab button to go through. Give it an intensity if you wish to, and you don't have to fill in these if you don't want to.

Any that you fill in will show to your client. Any that you don't will not show to your client. And then search for your next exercise and carry on through exactly like that. So it's very, very simple to find and add exercises to put in any of the details and acute variables that you want your clients to see.

Now, let's say that you search for an exercise, and it turns out that we don't have it; you can very simply add a custom exercise from here. It gives you the option to then add that as a custom exercise; you can go through and add any of the details that you like. Or you can set it up properly with a video if you want to.

Just to do that, click here. The name is already up there. You can put it in a category if you wish to and add a video if you wish to. It could be a video from your device, whatever device you're on, or you could take anyone from YouTube or Vimeo. One of the great things about this is the integration actually takes out the adverts and any links to other videos.

Your program still looks really, really professional when you take it from YouTube or Vimeo. So all you would have to do for this is find a video, take the URL, and paste it in here, and you can add any results charting metrics you like. If it's the same as any previous exercises you've added, you just do that.

Or you can add any further metrics and save. So that's your custom exercise now added with a video and exercise charting metrics. It all looks really, really nice for your client. If you want to make a superset or a circuit, it's very simple. Just come up to the little circuit and link it up. So that would be a superset.

Or, if you want to make it a tri-set circuit, then just link it up to any exercises that you want in your circuit. Once you finish your first section, you can set up another section by clicking on add section. Maybe you want to call this main workout again. You can search for exercises.

Let's say you're looking for inspiration. You can click on the or browse exercises, and then it will let you go through the categories. So you can go through any of these categories. Each will have subcategories and then you can choose your exercise and add it in. On top of that, you can move any exercise just by clicking, dragging and dropping it.

There's a nice little green line that will indicate where it goes. Or you can swap an exercise by clicking the three dots. Swap exercise, typing in anything else that you'd like to put there instead and add it in. So that's the basics of how you make a program with PT distinction. As you can see, it's really, really easy.

Just type your exercise and add it in and then put in any sets of reps that you want to have. So, really, really easy to use PT distinction to build your programs. But as I said, we've got some really cool time savers. So I'm going to show you a couple of those right now.

The first one I'd like to show you is that you can put all of the acute variables in for all exercises in a section at the same time. So this is really cool. Go over to the three dots next to your section name and put all sets, reps, etcetera. Just type in your sets and reps. You only have to do the ones you want to do if you don't wish to.

Just leave it blank. And when you're happy, hit save and you'll see that those details will go in for every single exercise. Any that you didn't add to will not change on the exercise. So, for example, this one doesn't go blank just because you didn't add to it. You can do that for any section in your workout and it's a big time saver.

Obviously. You can then individualize if you wish to for any of the exercises on the program. The next great time saver I'd like to show you is the copy and paste function. To illustrate this best, I'm going to switch view in the program builder so you can see all of the workouts next to each other. You get to this view by switching between the little icons here.

The copy and paste can become really, really useful if you want to, for example, use a warm-up over multiple workouts in your program or if you want to have multiple workouts that are very similar but with just a few small changes. First of all, I'll show you how to copy and paste a workout. Come up to the three dots next to the workout name, hit copy and then where it says add a workout, go to the three dots there and paste.

What you'll see is you have a workout clipboard. You can have up to ten workouts on your clipboard, and they can be copied at any time. So you can copy from one program and take it to another if you wish to. Any kind of flexibility, lots of options there. The most recent one that you copied is at the top.

For the one we just copied, choose the top one and add a workout, and you'll see that it's repeated just there, and then you can make any changes you want to the new workout. So, let's say you just wanted to swap out one exercise. Just go there and swap out the exercise.

It gives you the flexibility to have very similar workouts in your program with just a few tweaks and changes if you wish to. Another situation where you might use it is copying sections. So, for example, let's say you wanted to have a finisher that goes across a few workouts.

Or, in this case, I'll just do a warm-up that goes across a few workouts in the same program or even in a different program. So for that, come up to the section name, hit the three dots and then go copy.

You can then copy that section into one of your existing workouts if you wish to by going to add a section, three dots and paste, choosing the top one, and adding. Or you could add it to a new workout by clicking Add Workout.

So it starts the new workout, and in your new workout, go to where it says add a section again, click the three dots and paste once again take from the top or you can take any of the other ones if you wish to and add and you'll see that just that section is copied over and you can continue making your workouts.

You can do a very, very similar thing with templates. So this is my next time saver is taking from your templates. As we saw when we entered the program builder. You can take a full program template right at the beginning if you wish to.

That could be as many workouts as you like in your program. But if you just wish to take a workout or a section, you can do that from right inside the program builder here. So again, I'm going to use this view because it shows it better. Let's start by taking a workout from my templates by where it says add a workout.

You click the three dots again, so very, very similar. And this time you choose from templates. You then choose your template program and which workout you would like to take from it and add, and you'll see that that workout copies straight into your program. To add a section from your templates, you come down so anywhere where it says add a section.

You could add it to any one of your workouts. Here, where it says add a section, click the three dots from templates, and again, you would choose the program, select which workout you like it from, and then choose your section and add. So you see that the section goes into that particular workout and it's inside your program builder.

Any of this you can individualize and edit if you wish to. You can do that from either this view or you can do it from the other view. One quick thing I'd like to show you is that you can switch views, but you can switch in the exact workout that you're working on.

So, for example, let's say I wanted to work on workout four, but I wanted that more zoomed-in view, come to workout form, and then I could go switch view, and that takes me straight to the top of that particular workout where I can work on that workout. And it's the more zoomed-in view, and you get a little bit more detail on everything that you can see.

It's the basics on how you make a program in PT Distinction, really, really simply how you can add any kind of custom exercise if it's not in the library, and how you can take from the huge options on YouTube and Vimeo to show professionally in your app rather than with lots of adverts and a few really nice time savers for you on the program builder with adding acute variables four entire sections at one time and the copy paste and taken from your templates.

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