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Easily Win Back Former Clients with PT Distinction

Software Demos
July 1, 2022
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Staying in touch with former clients is the best way to win them back in the future.

This weeks feature spotlight shows how easily you can keep in touch with former personal training clients and win them back using PT Distinction.

Transcript of Video

In this video, I want to look at following up with your former clients and how to bring them back into your online training services or even your face-to-face training services.

I want to show you how very easy this is to do in PT Distinction. A good way to boost communication with all of your clients and your former clients would be to send out a weekly newsletter, much like we do to all of our members.

By separating former clients and current clients, you can actually send separate links. So you could give your former clients a link to sign up for any new services or to speak to you on the phone about any new services that you have.

Other things that you could send to former clients would be any kind of new services that you're offering and anything that you think may help them in their journey as a former client of yours.

In turn, that will probably encourage them to come back and work with you in the future.

To do this, all you need to do is come up to your Groups and in the System Groups. You've got all active clients and all inactive clients.

If you are sending out a weekly newsletter, what I would do is go to all active clients to send to your active clients and then go into all inactive clients to send with an extra link to sign up or to book a call in your all inactive clients group.

So I'll click into this group and show you how it's done from inside the group dashboard, just come up to the message center and click on email.

From here you can write out your title and your email and send it off.

If you want to include all of your clients names, you can just copy and paste the placeholder here and put it in at the top of your message.

Once you've written out the message, you can click on complete and it will send out to all of your inactive clients.

This sort of follow-up is the big reason why you can actually send out emails to all inactive clients on PT Distinction.

As you can see, this kind of follow-up to bring back your former clients is really, really easy to do inside PT Distinction, especially with the new system groups, which automatically keep the groups updated with your active and inactive clients.

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